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Rain and snow showers for southern Minnesota Monday. Warming trend ahead

A clipper system will bring rain, snow showers Tuesday

fcst GIF test
Forecast weather conditions Monday
National Weather Service

Updated 9:15 a.m.

Two systems Monday and Tuesday will bring some rain and snow showers. Temperatures will trend upward through the week.

Scattered rain and snow Monday and Tuesday, then a warming trend 

A storm system centered south of Minnesota will bring scattered rain and snow showers to southern Minnesota Monday.

mon prec 9a
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Monday through 1 a.m. Tuesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

There could be some slushy accumulation in portions of southern Minnesota.

MN snow
Forecast snowfall Monday into Monday night
National Weather Service

High temperatures will be back in the 40s across most of the state with northern Minnesota seeing more sun than southern Minnesota.

mon hi 9a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

A quick clipper system will swing through from north to south on Tuesday, also bringing a few rain and snow showers. 

tue-wed 9a
Forecast precipitation 1 a.m. Tuesday through 10 a.m. Wednesday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Winds will also increase Tuesday from the north at 10-20 mph east but 15-30 mph west. 

tue winds
Forecast wind gusts 3 a.m. through 10 p.m. Tuesday
College of DuPage weather lab

The upper-level pattern will shift to an “omega block” pattern by late in the week. It’s called this because the flow of air aloft makes a shape like the Greek letter. This allows for warm, sunny and dry weather to build in the central United States for the weekend.

500 pattern
Forecast upper level patter into the weekend
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

Temperatures will be trending upward through the week, back to above normal levels by Thursday and Friday, and especially this weekend when 60s will return to southern Minnesota. 

sat hi
Forecast highs by Saturday
National Weather Service