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Warming trend returns; 60s again by Monday

Another unseasonably warm air mass blows in Monday

Forecast high temperatures Monday
Forecast high temperatures Monday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Here comes another warm wave.

It’s feeling closer to our typical chilly Minnesota March this Friday evening and through Saturday. We topped out at 40 degrees in the Twin Cities Friday afternoon. That’s just 2 degrees above the normal high of 28 degrees. Temperatures hovered in the 20s on Friday in far northwestern Minnesota.

Temperatures Friday afternoon
Temperatures Friday afternoon
Oklahoma Mesonet

We enjoy plenty of sunshine for the next few days. Highs on Saturday remain on the cooler side. Shades of blue color Saturday’s high-temperature map.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

By Sunday southerly breezes begin blowing in milder air again. Highs should reach 50 degrees in about the southwest half of Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday

Unseasonably warm again next week

Yet another warm air mass blows into Minnesota nearly next week. It’s hard to remember it’s still March in Minnesota.

Highs Monday will reach into the 60s once again from the Twin Cities south and westward. The record high for Monday is 66 degrees. We’ll likely fall (just?) short but we’ll be much closer to the record than the normal high of 39 degrees on Monday.

Forecast high temperatures Monday
Forecast high temperatures Monday

Note the 50s all the way north to the Canadian border on the map above.

Tuesday brings another mild day for March.

Forecast high temperatures Tuesday
Forecast high temperatures Tuesday

Wednesday brings one more mild day, but a slight cooling trend will ooze in from the north.

Forecast high temperatures Wednesday
Forecast high temperatures Wednesday

Cooler air will sag south later next week. There are chances in the medium-range forecast models for lighter snow across northern Minnesota by next weekend.

It’s still March in Minnesota.

Stay tuned.