Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Cooler Friday and Saturday, but still above normal for most

Temperatures jump back up early next week

Forecast temperature anomalies (departure from normal) Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

A system is clipping southeast Minnesota with rain and snow showers Friday. The rest of the state will be cooler with decreasing clouds ahead of a sun-filled weekend.

Cooler but still mild Friday with lots of weekend sunshine

A system is clipping southeast Minnesota with some rain and snow showers. Western Minnesota will see more sun while clouds will decrease across central Minnesota through the day Friday.

fri prec
Forecast precipitation through 6 p.m. Friday
College of DuPage Weather

Highs Friday will be cooler but still above normal in the low to mid-40s south to 30s north. 

fri hi 6
Forecast highs Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

The weekend will yield lots of sunshine as high pressure sits over the region. Saturday will see similar temps to Friday, but Sunday will be warmer.

sun hi 6
Forecast highs Sunday
NOAA via pivotal weather

We warm up more into early next week with 60s returning to southern Minnesota to potentially near 70 Tuesday.