Art Hounds: Some film, a swim and poetry

This week on Art Hounds: a Twin Cities film returns, poetry and a swim across the English Channel.

Satirical theater maker Joshua Will is heading to the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis this Sunday to see "Beyond Bob." Shot in and around the Twin Cities in 1991, "Beyond Bob" is a comedy that stars lots of local talent, and is influenced by "The Big Chill" and "Ghost." Will says this free screening is a great opportunity to see the movie on the big screen and celebrate its 25th anniversary with the cast and crew. It shows at 7 p.m. Sunday.

Longtime arts administrator Karla Brom is going to the Bryant Lake Bowl on Thursday for an evening of poetry and music. Juliet Patterson is launching her new book of poetry called "Threnody," which serves as a sort of memorial to the environment. Longtime friend and Twin Cities musician Wendy Lewis joins her on stage to sing her own environmentally aware work. Doors open Thursday at 6 p.m., with the show starting at 7 p.m.

Lanesboro Arts Gallery Director Robbie Brokken checked out "Pride's Crossing" at Commonweal Theatre and she highly recommends it. It revolves around Mabel Tidings Bigelow, the first woman to swim the English Channel from England to France. Brokken says the play is really a moving tribute to the family and friends who buoy us up throughout our lives. On stage through Nov. 13. Visit the theater's website for the weekend's performance schedule.