Oak trees' acorn production down across Minnesota this year

White Oak tree
File photo of a White Oak standing atop a hill July 7, 2012, in the prairie area at Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary in Minneapolis, Minn.
MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson File 2012

Acorn production in Minnesota is at a low point this year.

The rise and fall in acorn production is cyclical. Department of Natural Resources area forestry supervisor John Korzeniowski tells the St. Cloud Times that the downturn is widespread across the state among the four native oak species — northern red, northern pin, bur and white oak.

Everything from mice and rabbits to turkeys and deer eat acorns. Korzeniowski says they'll be looking for alternative food sources, and corn fields could be a strong attraction.

That means hunters might not find deer, turkeys or wood ducks in the usual spots.