How a St. Paul shop owner saved a woman's life

Mike Tekeste, owner of Red Sea Market
Mike Tekeste, owner of Red Sea Market, helped save the life of a woman who was going to jump off the Wabasha Bridge in St. Paul by grabbing her hands and holding on to her until help arrived.
Tom Crann | MPR News

Mike Tekeste received the 2016 Award for Excellence from the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department on Monday for helping save a woman's life.

Tekeste is the owner of Red Sea Market, a convenience store in downtown St. Paul. That's where MPR News host Tom Crann met up with him earlier today.

His shop seems to be a neighborhood hub in downtown St. Paul — and he knows most customers by name.

Between selling lottery tickets, cigarettes and gum, he told Crann about the events of Aug. 9, when he saw a woman on the side of the Wabasha Street Bridge.

To hear their whole conversation, use the audio player above.