Prince's siblings: Purported niece, grandniece are not heirs

Prince's star at First Avenue now gold
File photo: A star honoring Prince, now painted gold, stands out on the wall May 5, 2016, at a memorial for the singer at First Avenue in Minneapolis.
Jim Mone | AP File

Prince's siblings say a woman and girl purported to be the singer's niece and grandniece have no genetic connection to Prince and should not be named as heirs to his estate.

Attorneys for Prince's siblings and half-siblings argued in documents made public Tuesday that Brianna Nelson and Victoria Nelson aren't Prince's heirs as a matter of law, and a judge should deny their claims. Potential hearings have been set for November.

Prince died April 21 of a fentanyl overdose, leaving no known will.

Brianna Nelson and her niece, Victoria Nelson, claim they descend from the late Duane Nelson Sr., who they say was Prince's half-brother. They don't claim a genetic link, but say Prince's biological father held Duane Nelson out as his son.

Prince's siblings say that isn't enough to prove heirship.