ISIS affiliate reportedly posts 'kill list' naming Minnesota cops

Updated: 3:30 p.m. | Posted: 2:52 p.m.

A hacker group affiliated with the terrorist group ISIS has reportedly posted the personal information of several Minnesota police officers online.

The so-called "Caliphate Cyber Army" posted the details of 36 officers on the encrypted messaging app Telegram, according to Vocative, a digital news start-up which labeled it a "kill list."

Minneapolis FBI spokesperson Kyle Loven said they are aware of the news report and are working with local law enforcement to make sure police departments are informed about the list.

"We are taking this very seriously as we do all threats against law enforcement personnel," Loven said.

The FBI is also trying to determine who's responsible for posting the personal information and what the motivation was, he said.

The information posted on Telegram includes full names, home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of all the policemen, Vocative reported Monday.

Minneapolis police spokesman John Elder said no Minneapolis police officer was mentioned in the list.

Four St. Paul Police Department officers and one retired officer appeared on the list, and all were made aware of the threat, said department spokesperson Steve Linders.

Linders said his department was notified about the list over the weekend by federal authorities.

"The entire department is definitely taking it seriously," he said.