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With Sanders ads already up, Clinton joins him on air

Both Democratic presidential contenders are now running TV ads aimed at building support in Minnesota.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began airing spots Friday, a couple of days after Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders made his commercial presence felt. As of now, both candidates are airing positive spots, highlighting their personas and policies.

For Sanders, that means mixing ads that stress his call for higher taxes on the wealthy with another sharing his biography. (An interesting sidelight: the 60-second Sanders biography ad running in Minnesota features a female narrator; one airing in some other places is voiced by a man.)

Clinton's opening ad appeal in the state portrays her as a doer. "The presidency is the toughest job in the world and she's the one who will make a real difference for you," the narrator says as ad ends.

Both Democratic candidates are spending more than six figures each over the next couple of weeks on Minnesota television.

None of the Republicans in the race for the White House has reserved time for ads in Minnesota, which will hold its caucuses on March 1.