Minnesota state reps on pressing rural concerns

Signs of damage from  being hit
More than 300 railroad bridges pass over roads in Minnesota, and in 2015, inspectors declared 71 percent of them structurally deficient. Transportation infrastructure is a pressing issue for greater Minnesota.
Ann Arbor Miller | MPR News 2015

Both Democrats and Republicans are pushing their agendas for outstate Minnesota as the legislative session draws near.

MPR New host Tom Weber talked with two lawmakers about where those ideas differ, and where compromise might be found. Dan Fabian, majority whip in the Minnesota House of Representatives, and Paul Thissen, minority leader in the house, offered their perspectives.

Fabian, a Republican from Roseau, Minn., identified transportation, including roads and bridges, as a key issue for his constituents, but he said they do not want to see an increase in the gas tax to cover transportation-related expenses.

"I think we would be doing a disservice to Minnesotans if we fell back to the premise that we have to raise the gas tax," Fabian said.

Thissen, a Democrat from Minneapolis, said broadband is an important concern for the upcoming session.

"There are parts of this state that have very, very poor access to broadband technology," Thissen said. "That's something we should be solving, because that does actually create a true economic divide between certain parts of the state."

To hear the full discussion with representatives Fabian and Thissen, use the audio player above.