Man sentenced for stalking Current DJ Mary Lucia

Patrick Henry Kelly
Patrick Henry Kelly pleaded guilty to stalking Mary Lucia.
Hennepin County Jail via KARE 11

The man who pleaded guilty to felony stalking and making terroristic threats against The Current's Mary Lucia was sentenced Wednesday to five years' probation and must stay at least 10 blocks away from her home and workplace, according to the Hennepin County attorney's office.

Patrick Henry Kelly must stay 10 blocks away from Lucia's Minneapolis home and St. Paul workplace, and pay restitution of $9,222.99, according to a news release.

The stalking began in the summer of 2014, and Lucia took out a restraining order against Kelly in July 2014. He left things like flowers and letters at Lucia's house and sent packages to her work, including 5 pounds of raw meat, a photo of a masked man and children's toys, according to the county attorney's office.

Kelly's actions had pushed Lucia, a DJ at 89.3 The Current, to take a leave of absence from her post in April. She returned to the airwaves Nov. 9 with Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down" as her first track.

At the sentencing Wednesday, Lucia said that Kelly was "delusional" and that he didn't realize the impact his actions had on her, according to the news release.

If Kelly violates probation, the judge said, he could be sent to prison.

"If he makes one more attempt to contact me, it will ruin his life," Lucia said. "And for what?"

The Current, Lucia's employer, is one of the services operated by Minnesota Public Radio.