Minnesota mom sinks half-court shot, wins half off tuition

Angela Ramey
Angela Ramey
Courtesy of KARE 11

A Minnesota mom says she said a little prayer before hoisting a basketball half-court and sinking her shot to win thousands of dollars off her daughter's private school tuition.

Angela Ramey and her daughter, Grace, raised the most money in a school fundraiser at Bethany Academy in Bloomington, earning three chances to make the half-court shot and knock $4,000 off tuition next year.

Grace gave her mom the basketball and on the final try Angela launched it under hand. It bounced, swished through the net and the crowd went wild. The mother and daughter screamed with joy.

Bethany Academy - Ramey's Shocked Shot | Facebook

The Rameys were in New York Thursday for an appearance on ABC's "Good Morning America" to celebrate the winning basket.