Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Record deluge gives way to nice fall weekend

Now you know what it's like to live in Havana.

A series of tropical downpours blew up in an unseasonably humid air mass Thursday. A swath of 2 inch-plus rainfall totals drenched parts of the metro including Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, and stretched east into Wisconsin to near Rice Lake.

You can't miss the deep red hues on the Doppler storm total rainfall mode.

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Doppler storm total rainfall. Weather Underground

The heaviest rainfall focused on western Wisconsin. Severe flooding is reported near Bloomer.

The culprit for yet another heavy rainfall event across the region? Another tropical air mass featuring dew points reaching the magical 70 degree mark.

Weather observations from the Twin Cities National Weather Service at MSP Airport show the series of storms, high dew point air and torrential rainfall Thursday.

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Twin Cities NWS

The 2.34 inches deluge was the fourth 1 inch-plus rainfall event at MSP this year. It also smashed the daily rainfall record of 1.7 inches at MSP Airport for Sept. 17.

Kinder and gentler

Our weather pattern shifts for the quieter the next few days. A more typical fall cool front blows through. Scattered showers Friday could linger into early Saturday, before high pressure builds in for a fine looking fall weekend.

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The weekend looks grand with dew points back into the more typical and comfy 40s and 50s. Another weather winning streak starts just in time for the weekend. Charmed weekend weather lives.

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Weatherspark NOAA GFS data