Rescuing animals helps humans, too

Karin Winegar
Karin Winegar is the author of "Saved: Rescued Animals and the Lives They Transform."
Courtesy of Karin Winegar

Former Star Tribune journalist Karin Winegar has collected 28 true stories about animals that have been abused, abandoned or left for dead. Her book is called "Saved: Rescued Animals and the Lives They Transform."

Winegar traveled all over the country, meeting with people who have saved damaged animals. She tells their stories, and stories about animals that have healed human suffering in return.

Minneapolis photographer Judy Olausen's pictures are featured in the book. Scientist Jane Goodall wrote the forward.

Karin Winegar, Jane Goodall, and Judy Olausen
Karin Winegar with photographer Judy Olausen (right) and Jane Goodall (middle), who wrote the forward for the book.
Courtesy of Karin Winegar

Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with Winegar about the book. They began by discussing the negative impact that the economy is having on pets. Several shelters and animal advocates say Americans are giving their dogs and cats to shelters in growing numbers because they can't afford to care for them.