Poll: Hmong voters rank domestic issues as top concern

Candidate forum
Al Franken shakes hands at a St. Paul candidate forum Saturday.
MPR Photo/Jess Mador

A new survey by the non-partisan group Take Action Minnesota shows that the state's Hmong voters are most concerned about domestic issues this election year.

Health care and the economy ranked high in a poll of about 1,000 eligible voters.

Hundreds of Hmong voters turned out Saturday to hear Senate candidates, including DFL Al Franken and Dean Barkley of the Independence party, speak about the issues in a town hall forum.

Dai Thao
Dai Thao is a community organizer working to educate Hmong voters.
MPR Photo/Jess Mador

Dai Thao is a community organizer with Take Action Minnesota. He says there is a huge push to register Hmong voters and get out the vote in November.

"We are trying to educate the community about how important it is to turn out to vote. Whether you are a Democrat or a Rrepublican, you're still an American. You've got to go out, educate your family and turn all of them to go out and vote," said Thao.

Thao says the Hmong community is very concerned about the economic downturn and its impact on small businesses, getting better health care and benefits for military veterans.

Editor's note: Originally Minnesota Public Radio reported that Sen. Norm Coleman had attended the event. Sen. Coleman was invited, but he did not attend.