Minnesota doctors debate stem cell research

Stem cells
A colony of embryonic stem cells. The resolution to support biomedical research on embryonic stem cells is controversial within the MMA.
Photo by Institute for Stem Cell Research via Getty Images

Members of the Minnesota Medical Association will consider a resolution today that would support biomedical research on embryonic stem cells.

If approved, the resolution would bring the group's more than 10,000 doctors in line with the American Medical Association which has already adopted the measure.

Dr. Lisa Erickson is one of the physicians who is pushing for the resolution. She says it's time that the MMA weighed in on the matter.

"Pre-implantation embryos will be discarded in any event and it is appropriate to gain some benefit from that act. So in light of the potentially significant impact on regenerative medicine I argue it may be morally obligatory to pursue this research," Erickson said.

The resolution is controversial within the MMA. But Erickson said she is hopeful her colleagues will agree to the language.

MMA delegates are holding their annual meeting in St. Paul today and Friday.