Teens' summer plans hurt by economy too

Target cashier
Jobs will be few and far between for teens looking to earn a paycheck this summer.
Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

State officials say it appears jobs will be few and far between for teens looking to earn a paycheck this summer. One national study predicts teen employment could fall to its lowest point ever during the summer months.

In Minnesota, state labor market expert, Steve Hine, says job opportunities for teens are not what they were just a few years ago:

"It's certainly a more difficult economic environment for a teen to be looking for a job, compared to 2000. Back then, the unemployment rate was at 8.8 percent and last year it averaged 13.8 percent," Hine said.

Hine says better paying jobs lured many teens into the summer job market in recent years. Now, he says jobs, if they can be found at all, offer far less money.