VA secretary helps open Minn. paralyzed veterans center

Ribbon cutting
U.S. Secretary of Veterans Administration Dr. James Peake cuts the ribbon at the Paralyzed Veterans of America Vocational Rehabilitation Center in Minneapolis. The center will be housed temporarily at the state VA office but will be moved this fall to a permanent location in the new spinal cord injury unit at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.
MPR Photo/Ambar Espinoza

A new Minnesota center will help veterans with spinal cord injuries re-enter the job market.

U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs James Peake participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony today to celebrate the grand opening of the Paralyzed Veterans of America Vocational Rehabilitation Center.

Peake said this is the second center of its kind in the nation that will provide rehab and counseling services to veterans.

"That builds not only an economic base, but it's enabling and self-esteem building, and that's really important as you get a young man or woman who really wants to get back and reenter society as a full and equal partner and citizen of this great country," Peake said.

The center is a public-private partnership among the Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Veterans Administration, and TriWest Healthcare Alliance.

The Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building will temporarily house the center. Its permanent home will open this fall at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.