Social Issues

Rebirth of conservatism?
Conservatives should look at their current division as an opportunity to reinvent the party according to former Bush aide Michael Gerson. Gerson also reflects on his experiences in the White House.
Arctic expedition records signs of global warming
Today is Earth Day. Minnesotan and polar explorer Will Steger will spend the day on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic. Steger is leading a 1400-mile dogsled expedition across the island; he hopes to record the impact of global warming on the northernmost part of the North American continent. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with Steger by satellite phone.
New novel combines development, kung fu and brussels sprouts
When author Don Lee began writing his latest novel, "Wrack and Ruin," he wanted to do something light. He wanted to set the story in a small northern California town, and make one of his characters a farmer. He said the choice of crops was narrow, and one stood out: brussels sprouts.
Behind the urge to buy
Overall, the frugal outnumber the spenders according to recent research. That's not true of people aged 21 - 30, who are spending beyond their means. Midmorning examines the research and the mindset behind the trend to spend.
Pelosi meets with Minnesota vets
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi heard from a group of Minnesota veterans today about the quality of care and benefits they receive from the federal government.
Business of the Bomb
A new American RadioWorks documentary looks at the global nuclear black market and what's being done to stop countries from secretly acquiring atomic weapons. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with correspondent Michael Montgomery about the documentary.