Social Issues

Life outside the projects in Chicago
Chicago was known for having some of the largest and most dangerous public housing complexes in the country. In recent years, however, these projects are being torn down. Chicago, along with other cities, is moving its public housing residents to mixed income housing. The hope is that if poor people move out of areas of concentrated poverty, they'll have more opportunities.
Minnesota Power customers upset over rate hike proposal
Some northeast Minnesota residents are charged up over a plan to hike electric rates. Duluth-based Minnesota power is proposing price increases that, in percentage terms, will hit low income households and small businesses a lot harder than big industries.
Developer scraps plans for sober housing
A nonprofit developer behind a large sober-housing proposal in St. Paul said Tuesday it's scrapping its plans because of intense opposition from neighbors. Opponents created an anonymous Web site that featured photos of drug syringes and people passed out in yards.
Looking at the upside of pessimism
The country's financial turmoil has many Americans fearing for the worst. And, according to some, the nation's newfound pessimism might not be such a bad thing.