Social Issues

Are laws protecting tenants in foreclosure working?
Thousands of renters in Minnesota are living in foreclosed properties, and the state has already tried to ease the burden on them by passing a set of laws designed to protect renters' rights. And so far, it seems to be working.
Religion in the public square
The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, addresses the National Press Club. Bishop Jefferts Schori will give a speech entitled "Religion in the Public Square."
Todd Boss rides his 'Yellowrocket'
Todd Boss is riding a poetic wave. Not only has a major publishing house just released his first book of poems, "Yellow Rocket," he says the nation has just elected a poet as president. Boss is the self-appointed poet laureate of Nina's Coffee Cafe in St Paul.
Minnesota man fights forced electroconvulsive therapy
Ray Sandford says he's losing his memory after having more than 30 electro-convulsive therapy treatments. But his doctors argue the procedure is necessary to treat Sandford's psychotic episodes.
Cities tackle problem of vacant properties
A wave of foreclosures has hit certain communities in Minneapolis and St. Paul hard, and experts expect the problem to continue with the economy in recession. Midmorning looks at what the two cities are doing to keep foreclosed properties from bringing down entire neighborhoods.
Free speech on the Internet
Google's purchase of YouTube has enabled the Web site to reach around the globe. But Google recently met its match in Turkey when the Turkish government blocked the site due to culturally inappropriate content. Midmorning asks how consumers, companies, and laws will adapt to emerging Internet technology.
Some charities see good news and bad in the economy
The bad economy is putting pressure on non-profit charities in the state. There's higher demand and fewer funding dollars to go around. But for charity organizations that sell donated items in second-hand stores, these tough economic times bring both good news and bad news.