MPR News Update

Good morning! Cloudy, with showers and thunderstorms likely. Highs in the mid-60s to 70s. How many days left until Election Day? Minnesota's DFL Party moved Thursday to have Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump removed from the November ballot, arguing the state GOP failed to abide by candidate filing laws. | Forecast
Good afternoon! While it may not always seem like it Summer is officially in the rearview mirror, it's time to start planning those fall color road trips. Once again the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is providing an interactive color finder map, which shows the progression of red, gold and orange across the state. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Welcome to another day of tropical humidity levels with dew points pushing 70 degrees. Throw in some more rain and thus continues the soggy Summer of 2016. What gives? Meteorological autumn began on September 1st! But by Saturday, you'll feel a seasonal reality check, as highs struggle to climb out of the 60s on brisk northwest winds. | Forecast
Jacob, his mother Patty said, has "taught us all how to live, how to love, how to be kind. He speaks to the world that he knew, that we believe in."
Good afternoon! If you're in the Twin Cities area make sure you keep an umbrella handy, rain is expected tonight and throughout the day Wednesday. Looking for a new job? Are you a Prince fan? Managers arranging public tours of Prince's Paisley Park are looking for employees to handle the crowds that are expected to visit the complex in Chanhassen starting Oct. 6. | Forecast
Good afternoon! We're in for a nice looking Labor Day weekend weather-wise, with party cloudy skies and highs in the 70s. We're also in for a nice looking weekend traffic-wise. The road hassles report is more about stuff being open, including all lanes on Interstate 94 from St. Cloud to Collegeville. How about that. | Forecast
Good morning! Another pleasant day -- sunny with highs in the 70s. On this Labor Day weekend, let's talk jobs. What was your best or worst? Tell NewsCut blogger Bob Collins all about it. He's filling in for host Tom Weber on Monday and will open the phone lines to talk about your labors and what it taught you, if anything. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Even in the wake of all the delicious State Fair food Minnesota has managed to stay fit according to a report by state health officials. Minnesota's adult obesity rate saw a statistically significant drop between 2014 and 2015 and it was the only state in the Upper Midwest to keep those rates below 30 percent. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Minnesota residents are being treated to warm temps and clear skies today. Meanwhile, Hawaii is eyeing unprecedented twin hurricanes. Madeline and Lester may both make close calls to the Big Island of Hawaii in the next week. And residents on the ground aren't the only ones watching. Astronauts have been watching the storms, too - from a different angle. | Forecast
Good morning! Mostly clear with highs in the 70s for this last day of August 2016. It's Day 7 of the Great Minnesota Get-Together -- or should we say the Great Minnesota State Fair Sketchout? Earlier this week, more than 50 sketchers put pen to paper, walking the midway and the barns, capturing the spectacle and fanfare in vivid detail. See some of those sketches here. On a related note, know what you can't see at the Minnesota State Fair? Marijuana plants vying for blue ribbons. But you can in Oregon. | Forecast