MPR News Update

Good afternoon! Time to meet your daily cuteness quotient. A baby zebra at Como Park Zoo and Conservatory has been named "Krump" in honor of Frank Krmpotich, who served as a greeter at the zoo for more than two decades. "He loved the people, he loved animals and he had more stories to tell," Frank's wife Connie said. "He just liked talking to people." Zebra Krump was the second zebra born in the previous two months. | Forecast
Good morning! Becoming mostly cloudy with scattered rain to the east. Highs in the 50s to 60s. With the leaves changing and the temperatures dropping, it's readin' season. Well, it's always reading season but it's a lot cozier this time of year. Here are 19 books to read this fall. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Every September, librarians, teachers and book lovers take a moment to celebrate the books that cause an uproar - the banned books. For Banned Books Week, which first kicked off in 1982, bookstores and libraries around the country make their pitch for why "The Bluest Eye," "Harry Potter" and even "Hop on Pop" deserve to the stay on the shelves. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Good news, bookworms! It's readin' season. This fall's reading list is packed with new perspectives on U.S. history, a fresh reinvention of Sherlock Holmes and a book that asks: Why is Tetris so addictive? | Forecast
Good afternoon! Yikes, isn't it a little early for Halloween? Police across the country are encouraging caution amid a rash of public complaints and social media reports in a number of states of people dressed like clowns and acting suspiciously, even if they think many are knucklehead pranksters or simply bogus. Real clowns are just plain miffed. | Forecast
Good morning! Cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms in the south and west this morning, spreading north and east during the afternoon. Highs in the 60s to 70s. The rain in the forecast is bad news for southern Minnesota, which is struggling to clean up and dry out from Wednesday night's historic rains. Still, it wasn't enough to classify it as a "mega storm event." | Forecast
Good afternoon! City dwellers will no longer be able to live vicariously through the BWCA couple. Dave and Amy Freeman tomorrow will hike and paddle out of the Boundary Waters wilderness, where they've been living for a year to call attention to the threat posed by the proposed sulfide-ore copper mining on the Wilderness edge. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Call it the "always leave the last bite" syndrome. If you're a Minnesotan you'd rather admit the accents in "Fargo" are highly accurate than take the last bit of a communal food offering. A Facebook group, "Cursed Last Bites of Minnesota," was started last month documenting the bizarre leftovers that Minnesotans' deeply ingrained sense of fairness will just now allow them to eat. | Forecast
Good morning! Mostly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms likely. Flash flood watches for much of eastern and southern Minnesota through Thursday. Highs in the 70s to 80s. Do you like to cook? More importantly, are you good at it? It turns out trial and error is a timeless method to the madness of creating good food. Archaeologists have uncovered a 3,000-year-old cooking fail in Denmark. | Forecast
Good afternoon! More rain is predicted for tonight and throughout the week in Minnesota, with flash flood watches in effect for Ramsey and Dakota Counties. In climate news: Today, 375 members of the National Academy of Sciences released an open letter warning about dangerous consequences if the next U.S. President pulls out of the Paris climate agreements. | Forecast