MPR News Update

How badly do you want to see Adele when she kicks off her tour this July in St. Paul? On StubHub today, asking prices were starting at about $550 and running to $9,000. Each.
Most people are familiar with at least a few details of basketball's humble origin story. Now, thanks to the discovery of a 1939 audio recording, we can hear James Naismith describe in his own words the invention of one of the world's most popular sports.
Thanks to a change in Minnesota law passed earlier this year, the state won't be just taking the word of vehicle owners. Minnesotans will have to prove they are insured to renew tabs or transfer ownership.
High winds led to dozens of flight delays Monday at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Pilots were able to use the airport's main parallel runways after 1 p.m., but anyone flying today should check for delays before heading to the airport.
The television show "Fargo" has people split: Are the accents accurate or over-the-top? A dialect coach gives a crash course in the Minnesota sound.
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Oh wait, that means holiday parties. Where you have to mingle and — shudder — make small talk with strangers. Correction: It's the most awful time of the year.
Citing her "steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply," Time magazine chose German Chancellor Angela Merkel as its person of the year.
"She doesn't have the visibility in this neck of the woods as other public radio staples like Keillor or the Car Talk guys, but another pioneer of public radio — Diane Rehm — is about to call it quits," writes Bob Collins on NewsCut.
"You're a college kid caught with drugs," writes Bob Collins on NewsCut. "The authorities tell you you're heading to prison unless you act as an informant. What do you do?"
The holiday movie season is upon us. The new "Star Wars" film is towering over everything else, but there are smaller gems to be found. | Arts & Culture