MPR News Update

MPR News Update, PM Edition for September 21, 2016

Good afternoon! Call it the "always leave the last bite" syndrome. If you're a Minnesotan you'd rather admit the accents in "Fargo" are highly accurate than take the last bit of a communal food offering. A Facebook group, "Cursed Last Bites of Minnesota," was started last month documenting the bizarre leftovers that Minnesotans' deeply ingrained sense of fairness will just now allow them to eat. | Forecast

In 'Leave Me,' a mother does the unthinkable: She leaves Mylan CEO claims EpiPens aren't as profitable as everyone thinks Vikings' Peterson faces surgery Thursday; return unknown Flabby and fertile: How men age could be huge for humans Trump Jr.'s Skittles photo taken by former refugee - and used without permission Report: Plastics, road salt and farm runoff threaten Mississippi About 300 people rally for jailed Dakota Access pipeline protester Astronomers find clues in the case of the glowing space 'blobs'