MPR News Update

MPR News Update, PM Edition for September 14, 2016

Good afternoon! Thanks to the brand new U.S. Bank Stadium, the Vikings franchise increased in value by $600 million dollars this year - far exceeding the money Minnesota taxpayers put into building the stadium. MPR News blogger Bob Collins examines how the latest Forbes report on the value of the franchise suggests "owners of National Football League teams couldn't lose money if they set fire to their cash." | Forecast

Trump gives Dr. Oz medical report, details not disclosed Passing research ship saves weather station staff from polar bear 'siege' Charts: White voters without college degrees fleeing the Democratic Party Minnesota has second lowest poverty rate in the U.S. FAQ: The Dakota Access pipeline and protest Employees are paying a bigger chunk of health insurance costs White House wants to resettle 110,000 refugees in U.S. next year Chemical giant Bayer agrees to buy Monsanto for $66 billion