Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Researchers use AI to help save a woodpecker species in decline
Minnesota researchers are using small audio recording devices to better understand the range and population of red-headed woodpeckers. The bird has seen a precipitous population decline over several decades. Scientists want to learn where the bird is doing well, so important habitats can be preserved.
State funding brings planned National Loon Center closer to construction
The three-story, 15,000 square foot building in Crosslake in Crow Wing County will aim to immerse visitors in the life of Minnesota's state bird. The National Loon Center hopes to begin construction in spring 2024 and open the facility a year later.
A group of young people are suing the state of Montana for their energy policy
A “constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment”. That’s why 16 young people between ages 5 and 22 are suing the state of Montana seeking a transition to a less carbon-intensive energy policy.
Ponemah pet clinic part of campaign for more Indigenous veterinarians
Members of Natives in Vet Med volunteered at a pet clinic in Ponemah on the Red Lake Reservation this week. It was an important part of the organization’s campaign to get more Indigenous people working in the veterinary field.
Monarch butterflies' white spots may help them fly farther, scientists say
Monarch butterflies with more white spots on their mostly orange-and-black wings are more successful at long-distance migration. Some scientists think the spots may affect airflow around their wings.