Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

Submit a question or story for Getting to Green here.

Climate Cast

Listen to Climate Cast, the MPR News podcast all about our changing climate and its impact in Minnesota and worldwide.

Rebroadcast: 10 years of Climate Cast
Climate Cast with Paul Huttner debuted 10 years ago on MPR News. Hear how the climate has changed in the last decade and how that’s affecting climate news, solutions and science. A rebroadcast of the 10th anniversary Climate Cast special takes a glance back and a look forward with an expert panel of climate scientists and communicators.
Investigators pinpoint, halt likely source of volatile substance found Minneapolis sewers
In the wake of a sewer explosion and evacuations on the U of M campus last summer, authorities believe they found the source of the volatile substance. And they've recently taken more steps to prevent a recurrence.
These Minnesotans farm ice — and it’s drawing climbers from across the U.S.
Ice farming is the art and science of making climbing ice on cliffs. Minnesota has three city-owned parks with volunteer-run ice farming systems for climbing, more than any other state in the country.
MPCA says polluted runoff contributed to fish kill in Minnesota trout stream
State regulators say polluted runoff likely contributed to a fish kill in a southeast Minnesota trout stream last summer. About 2,500 dead fish were discovered in late July in Rush Creek, near Lewiston.
Hundreds rally at Capitol for clean energy plans centered on Indigenous rights
The rally was organized by more than 20 Indigenous, faith and environmental advocacy groups in response to the state’s new clean-energy law mandating Minnesota’s electricity utilities become 100 percent carbon-free by 2040.
Sure step toward spring: First egg visible in Minnesota DNR's EagleCam nest
The nesting pair of bald eagles visible on the Minnesota DNR’s EagleCam had been prepping for the arrival for weeks — and the white egg was spotted for the first time Wednesday as one of the birds stood in the nest.
Upset Ohio town residents seek answers over train derailment
Hundreds of worried people gathered to hear state officials tell them that testing so far has shown local air is safe to breathe and to promise that safety testing of the air and water would continue.
Minneapolis City Council eyeing next step toward funding sidewalk clearing
The proposal from two council members would begin as soon as 2024 and cover the entire 2,000-mile city sidewalk network by 2027. There’s a public forum Wednesday night and a meeting Thursday.