Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

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Could allowing more nuclear power help Minnesota’s switch to carbon-free electricity?
Supporters of advanced nuclear technology say it’s smaller, safer and more flexible than the nuclear plants built a half-century ago. But what to do with radioactive waste remains a problem.
DNR eagle cam finds broken egg in the nest; second egg intact
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources officials acknowledged the sadness of losing one of the eggs but also said the chick that hatches from the remaining egg will now have a greater chance of survival.
Here's why Arizona says it can keep growing despite historic megadrought
Phoenix has long been one of America's fastest growing cities. But central Arizona may finally be facing a reckoning as much of its groundwater supplies are becoming tapped out.
Toothy, ancient gar fish get new protections in Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has set a 10-fish possession limit for longnose and shortnose gar. They’re among the underappreciated native species designated as ‘rough’ fish, which advocates say deserve more respect and better management.
Opponents of Roof Depot demolition vow to fight on
A Hennepin County judge granted a temporary restraining order, putting the planned demolition of the Roof Depot building on pause. The demolition was previously slated to go ahead this week. Although the project is on hold, activists say their work isn’t.