Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

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'Historic moment': EPA to limit toxic 'forever chemical' PFAS in drinking water
This would be the first federal limit on harmful substances in drinking water, saying it could prevent thousands of illnesses. It would limiting two common types of the compounds to four parts per trillion, the lowest level that tests can detect.
State transportation officials are moving ahead with a plan to remake a stretch of London Road in Duluth — the gateway to the North Shore — despite many residents’ objections to one of three proposed roundabouts.
Northern forests struggle to adapt to climate change
Warmer temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns are causing a decline in the growth and survival rates of our trees, particularly among spruce and fir. And with life spans in the decades, the swift changes are creating trouble.
Boil water order lifted in Minnesota city after water main breaks repaired
The days-long saga included workers battling subzero temperatures to repair the breaks, distribution of drinking water from city offices, and Stephen-Argyle Central High School students helping out by placing straw bales to insulate temporary water lines.
What to know about the new U.N. high seas treaty — and the next steps for the accord
Right now, two-thirds of the ocean are regulated by a fragmented patchwork of agreements and organizations. This treaty plans to unite countries to improve the health of the ocean.